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Campus Conduct Hotline

Campus Conduct Hotline

Texas 蹤獲扦 University promotes a zero tolerance position on unethical conduct in the workplace. The Campus Conduct Hotline lets employees and students report concerns about the possible violation of the Universitys ethics and employment policies. The Hotline is operated by an independent organization so that your call is completely confidential. 

When you call the Campus Conduct Hotline, you will speak to a friendly, trained specialist who will guide you through the details of your report. You will be given a case number for your reference, so your call will be completely anonymous. No information will be taken from you, so you will never be identified. Your concerns will be submitted to the campus administration for investigation. Using your case number, you can call the Hotline at any time to check on the status of the investigation and learn of any actions that have been taken.

Call the Campus Conduct Hotline at 833-246-5701 or submit a report at 

Report activity or behavior that is harmful or unethical, such as:

  1. Fraud or crime
  2. Sexual harassment
  3. Discrimination
  4. Safety issues
  5. Security and Internet policy abuse
  6. Code of Conduct violations
  7. Workplace hostility
  8. Unethical grading practices
  9. Fraudulent financial or business practices
  10. Any other questionable behavior